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We’ve had 25,000+ happy customers - Here’s how we’ve done it


Just recently I watched the series finale of the Netflix show Money Heist. If you haven’t seen the show, woof, it’s good. Be prepared to not be relaxed at all but in the best way possible. It’s thrilling, well acted, well written, extremely intelligent and just an all around brilliant show.

I don’t think it’s a spoiler to tell you that this is a show about heists. In any good heist film or show there are good, fun characters who execute a clever, nuanced and incredibly elaborate heist with plot twists galore. Money Heist takes the average heist movie and says, “hold my beer.” The details, the specifics and extraordinary cleverness of the entire show, culminating in a remarkable ending, make it to the top of the list of any show, heist or not.

The Professor is the character who is the mastermind behind the entire heist. Every detail is so well thought out that it is hard to imagine anything going wrong. But it does go wrong. And then he has a backup plan for that and then a backup plan for his backup plan, then another backup plan, and another and if the show somehow comes back, I’m sure he’ll have another.

The heists only succeed because the leader combs through every single detail with such passion, precision and care that nothing gets overlooked. And the show succeeded because the writers, directors, producers and actors did the same.

(Participants laughing during a recent Knuckleball Comedy corporate team building event)

I wouldn’t say Knuckleball Comedy and a heist are exactly the same. But I would love to be half as brilliant as the Professor. I never will be, but there are certain things I can do to have a similar type of success.

When August of 2022 comes to an end, Knuckleball Comedy will have worked with over 25,000 people. Some of those are kids in our after school programs, in-school residencies, performances and summer camps. Others are business professionals in our corporate team building and professional development workshops. Some are college students in our freshmen orientation programs. And a small number are the senior citizens who we did work with for a short time there (another blog to come about those experiences).

We have worked with hundreds of organizations from schools to law firms, summer camps to funeral director conventions and everything in between. We’ve had success and there’s plenty of areas where I hope we will have even more in the years to come.

One reason we have success is that we provide a great service. Of course we do, we must, otherwise we wouldn’t exist. Kids love our programs, parents love it for their kids and business professionals can’t stop laughing and learning when we come to their offices or conferences to run our team building programs.

But the truth is a lot of companies who no longer exist had a great product or service. In fact, I’d argue most companies, if they existed at all, probably had a pretty good product or service. When a restaurant fails it isn’t necessarily because the food was terrible. There are so many other things that need to happen for a business to succeed.

I have done far from everything correct to keep Knuckleball Comedy alive and thriving. I’ve made many mistakes along the way as I’m sure every entrepreneur does. But one thing I know I’ve done well is I’ve paid attention to detail.

I can’t think of anything more important to succeed in running a business than paying attention to detail. As I type this right now, I have a handful of Knuckleball Comedy instructors out in the Chicagoland area teaching hundreds of kids our improv comedy programming.

Ensuring that everyone is exactly where they need to be when they need to be there is not so simple. I work with so many camps, I have many instructors and each camp and instructor work differently. But before every camp I make sure my instructor has every single little detail they could possibly need to make sure the camp runs smoothly.

Because the sad truth is that if you work with an organization 100 times and 99 of them were amazing experiences, but one time something not quite right happened, that one imperfect time is the one that sticks with them the most. They didn’t email you every time something went right, only the one time it went wrong.

My greatest strength as a business owner is that I care. I care so much that people love Knuckleball Comedy that I stay up all night making sure I have all of the details right in order to minimize the chances of something going wrong.

People hire Knuckleball Comedy not just because we provide a great service. But because they know the entire process, from booking to execution of the program is done with great passion and precision.

Think about every business that you know of with a great product or service that doesn’t pay attention to detail. You can’t. They no longer exist.

Not only do we pay attention to detail, but when we run our team building workshops and professional development workshops, we preach attention to detail. Because what could be more important?

Curious how you can bring our fun, engaging and valuable programming to your workplace? Check us out HERE.

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